-Updates 13.4 E-Commerce Ethics 9.3 Internet Issues: Ethical and Political Dilemmas

The Dark Story Gets Darker

Mike Daisey’s monologue on This American Life a few weeks ago fueled the firestorm of criticism of Apple for treatment of workers that make all those iProducts. There’s truth in many of the criticisms, but there are enough untruths in the monologue to cause the producers of this popular public radio program to devote an entire episode to exposing the real, fully factual story. This episode says as much about the ethics of journalism as it does about the ethics of manufacturing gadgets.

-Updates 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 7.3 Database Trends

The Big Impact of Big Data

One of the biggest buzz words in the computer industry today is actually two words: Big Data. Massive increases in computing power have made mountains of data accessible to businesses and governments. How does big data affect you? A page on the IBM site gives a quick overview of the business world of big data, while a pair of NPR stories aired in late 2011 focus on the impact of big data on our lives.

-Context 14.6 Inventing the Future: The Future of Programming 3.5 Inventing the Future: Tomorrow's Peripherals 4.5 File Management: Where's My Stuff? 8.4 The Network Advantage 9.5: Inventing the Future: The Invisible Information Infrastructure Chapter 13 E-Commerce and E-Business: The Evolving Internet Economy Ports and Slots Revisited

Making the Cloud Clear
If you’re not completely clear about “the cloud,” reading or listening to this short NPR story should help. Even if you understand the basics, you’ll probably be surprised by the many different ways that cloud technology is changing our world.

-Context 1.0 Creating Communities on the Living Web 13.0 Jeff Bezos Takes Amazon into the Cloud 2.0 Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and the the Garage that Grew Apples 7.0 The Google Guys Search for Tomorrow

The Battle of the Digital Giants

Our digital planet is being transformed every day by new ideas and inventions. In this fascinating Fast Company article, Farhad Manjoo describes how Apple, Facebook, Google and Amazon are battling for the future of the innovation economy. If you want to better understand how the “Fab Four” will change your life over the next few years, this feature-length essay is well worth reading.
In this NPR Fresh Air interview, Terry Gross talks to the article’s author, Farhad Manjoo.

-Updates 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 8.3 Specialized Networks: From GPS to Digital Money

QR: Quick Response or Quickly Replaced?

QR Codes–those odd, pixellated squares that are popping up on everything from business cards to billboards–are designed to make it easy for people to use their phones to get more information quickly. But as this NPR story suggests, a newer technology called near-field communication has the potential to make QR codes seem as old-fashioned as Pac-Man.
If you’d like to try making your own QR codes for free, like the one pictured here (the code for this site) try this Online QR Generator.

-Cross Currents 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 14.5 The State of Software 4.2 Software Applications: Tools for Users

There’s an App for… Everything!

Is software taking over the world? In this Wall Street Journal article, Mark Andreessen argues that it is taking over the economic world. Most of today’s business stars, are, at some level, software companies. His predictions about the future of global business and the American economy are worth thinking about.

-Context 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 13.4 E-Commerce Ethics 13.5 Inventing the Future: E-Commerce Tomorrow: The Never-Ending Game

Psychological Secrets of E-Commerce

It’s generally wise to understand the tools and tricks that people and institutions use to manipulate our behavior. This Wired article is packed with insights into how everybody from Amazon to Zynga gets you to spend more time and money at their sites.

-Context 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 13.5 Inventing the Future: E-Commerce Tomorrow: The Never-Ending Game Chapter 12 Information Systems in Business Chapter 13 E-Commerce and E-Business: The Evolving Internet Economy

Is the Online Auction History?

In the early days of eBay, online auctions made the company one of the dot-com revolution’s biggest success stories. Today auctions are in decline relative to other forms of e-commerce. But the things that made auctions popular in the first place—flexible pricing, consumer empowerment, and the thrill of the game—can be found in many other types of online shopping experiences. This Wired article puts auctions in perspective.
-Updates 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 13.5 Inventing the Future: E-Commerce Tomorrow: The Never-Ending Game

TaskRabbit: A Game-like People-to-People Business

People use eBay and other auction sites for C2C transactions involving material goods. TaskRabbit is a C2C clearinghouse for services. Need somebody to run an errand or put together your new desk? Ask TaskRabbit.

-Multimedia 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 8.7 Social Networks

The Social Media Revolution: an Animated Exploration

Few people doubt that social media are changing our world, but what does that really mean? This animated video presents a rapid-fire sampler of facts and figures that drive home the point: It’s happening, and it’s happening fast.