-Cross Currents 10.5 Human Questions for a Computer Age 5.4 Beyond the Printed Page 8.5 Interpersonal Computing: From Communication to Communities

Social Media and the Stories They Can’t Tell

Facebook, Twitter, and other social media are overflowing with stories of real people living real lives. Or are they? This thought-provoking article by Paul Ford takes a hard look at what’s missing in the stories people tell through social media. This is one of the best pieces we’ve seen on the changing roles of social media and traditional journalism.

-Multimedia 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 8.7 Social Networks

The Social Media Revolution: an Animated Exploration

Few people doubt that social media are changing our world, but what does that really mean? This animated video presents a rapid-fire sampler of facts and figures that drive home the point: It’s happening, and it’s happening fast.