-Updates Chapter 3 Hardware Basics: Peripherals Working Wisdom: Ergonomics and Health

Smart Phone, Dumb Posture

ergonics-and-mobileIt’s fairly well known that sitting at a desk staring at a computer all day can be hazardous to your spine (see page 86 of Digital Planet), but new research suggests that standing with your smart phone can also cause problems. This short Huffington Post piece explains why.

-Context 10.1 Online Outlaws: Computer Crime 10.3 Security, Privacy, Freedom, and Ethics 10.6 Inventing the Future: Evolving Technology, Evolving Security 15.0 Alan Turing, Military Intelligence, and Intelligent Machines

The Military Internet Complex and the Invisible War

9780544251793_hresWar and technology have been intertwined throughout human history. Today’s digital technology is creating a whole new form of war that’s all but invisible to most of us. In his book @War, Shane Harris describes the war that’s waged on the Internet and describes the relationship between government and the tech industry that makes that war possible. In this NPR Fresh Air program he’s interviewed by Terry Gross.