-Inventing the Future 14.1 How People Make Programs

You’ll Feel the Rhythm of this Algorithm

What if your smart phone or computer could do routine tasks ten times faster just by doing math differently? According to this Fast Times article, MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that could have a dramatic impact on every aspect of your digital world.

-Updates 10.5 Human Questions for a Computer Age 14.1 How People Make Programs 14.2 Programming Languages and Methodologies

Hacking for a Better World

The world of programming is dominated by males and money. But there’s a movement afoot to change the gender balance and, at the same time, the factors that motivate programmers.
This Fast Company article describes Hampton Hackathon for Humanity, a gathering of young female programmers intent on making the world a better place.

-Multimedia 14.1 How People Make Programs 4.1 Processing with Programs 5.6 Statistical Software: Beyond Spreadsheets Chapter 14 Systems Design and Development

Algorithms Everywhere

Computer programs are designed using mathematical/logical constructs called algorithms. This fascinating TED talk by Kevin Slavin shows and tells how algorithms are finding their way into all kinds of unexpected places in our world, for better or for worse.