-Updates 10.2 Computer Security: Reducing Risks 13.2 E-Business 1.0: Intranets, Extranets, and E-Sales 7.0 The Google Guys Search for Tomorrow 8.2 Wireless Network Technology 8.3 Specialized Networks: From GPS to Digital Money

Google Wallet: A Wireless Credit Card in Your Phone?

This summer some consumers will be able to pay for some of their purchases by waving their phones instead of swiping their cards. Google Wallet is an Android App that uses near-field communication technology to send transaction information from phone to merchant terminal. This kind of technology could eventually change the way we do most of our face-to-face shopping.
This New York Times article includes a demo video.

-Cross Currents 10.3 Security, Privacy, Freedom, and Ethics 10.5 Human Questions for a Computer Age 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 13.4 E-Commerce Ethics 7.3 Database Trends 7.4 No Secrets: Computers and Privacy

Show Us the Data. (It’s Ours, After All.)

Who owns your data? If somebody else collects information about you, should you have the legal right to see and use that information? New York Times Columnist Richard Thaler argues that consumers and businesses alike would benefit from laws ensuring that you have access to your information.
Read on New York Times site

-Multimedia 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce Chapter 13 E-Commerce and E-Business: The Evolving Internet Economy Chapter 6 Graphics, Digital Media, and Multimedia

The Wilderness Downtown: Arcade Fire’s Groundbreaking Interactive Film

Arcade Fire interactive video screenThis groundbreaking music “video” by Chris Milk combines music, art, and interactive Web technology to create a deeply personal experience. You may need to switch Web browsers to make the experimental HTML 5 technology work, but it’s worth the effort.