-Updates 1.3 Computers Today: A Brief Taxonomy 3.4 The Computer System: The Sum of Its Parts 5.7 Calculated Risks: Computer Modeling and Simulation Chapter 1 Exploring Our Digital Planet

Super Competition for the Fastest Supercomputer

The balance of power is shifting westward in the high-stakes competition for the most powerful computer in the world. The latest US champ is based in part on technology pioneered in the gaming industry. Like most supercomputers, this one will be used to produce ever-more-accurate simulations for scientific research and engineering applications.

-Context 5.5 The Spreadsheet: Software for SImulation

Correlation vs. causation

With the vast amount of information available on the internet, it’s possible to create data mashups to support any trend, real or imagined. These tongue-in-cheek examples use real data to “prove” bogus relationships.

-Updates 13.3 E-Business 2.0: Reinventing Web Commerce 7.3 Database Trends

The Big Impact of Big Data

One of the biggest buzz words in the computer industry today is actually two words: Big Data. Massive increases in computing power have made mountains of data accessible to businesses and governments. How does big data affect you? A page on the IBM site gives a quick overview of the business world of big data, while a pair of NPR stories aired in late 2011 focus on the impact of big data on our lives.