-Cross Currents 10.5 Human Questions for a Computer Age

Does This Video Make You Want to Stop Watching YouTube?

Every new technology brings controversy. This short video poetically confronts one of the most important questions of our digital age: If we’re always connected through our devices, will we lose more important connections with other humans?

Millions of people have viewed it online. Do you think it will make a difference in how they view their technological tools?

-Cross Currents 9.3 Internet Issues: Ethical and Political Dilemmas

Helping Technology Addicts Return to Reality

treehouse-3_wide-b3cddc298fb809949a50e006007cef2e5ea686a9-s4-c85For most of us, the word “addiction” evokes images of people whose lives are controlled by drugs. But for many people—especially younger men—addictions aren’t about chemicals; they’re about technology. This touching NPR story profiles patients in a clinic that specializes in helping tech addicts retake control of their lives.