-Updates 10.4 Security and Reliability 14.5 The State of Software 5.5 The Spreadsheet: Software for SImulation

Spreadsheets are Spreading Misinformation

spreadsheet_errorIf you misspell a word in a paper or use the wrong font in a presentation, your error may be embarrassing. If you use the wrong formula in a spreadsheet, your error might be devastating. According to a recent study, the typical spreadsheet is riddled with math errors. This short Market Watch article should serve as a wake-up call to scientists, engineers, business people, students and others who do high-consequence work with numbers.

-Multimedia 14.1 How People Make Programs 4.1 Processing with Programs 5.6 Statistical Software: Beyond Spreadsheets Chapter 14 Systems Design and Development

Algorithms Everywhere

Computer programs are designed using mathematical/logical constructs called algorithms. This fascinating TED talk by Kevin Slavin shows and tells how algorithms are finding their way into all kinds of unexpected places in our world, for better or for worse.