-Context 11.1 Where Computers Work 11.2 Technology and Job Quality 11.3 Automation, Globalization, and Outsourcing 15.6 The Robot Revolution

The Job Market Looks Great if You’re a Robot

More jobs every day are being automated—done by machines rather than humans. In this thought-provoking Fresh Air interview, Silicon Valley executive Martin Ford says that all kinds of jobs—even many that we assume are machine-proof—are threatened by advances in hardware and software. The implications for our economy and our society are far-reaching.

-Context 10.2 Computer Security: Reducing Risks 10.3 Security, Privacy, Freedom, and Ethics 7.4 No Secrets: Computers and Privacy 9.1 Inside the Internet

Privacy Protection Quick Fixes

Many people believe that privacy is a thing of the past. It’s true that our networked world makes it harder to keep secrets. But there are many things you can do to protect your privacy online. This Huffington Post article clearly outlines some quick fixes you can make in a few minutes.